Selasa, 06 September 2011

photos of SM TOWN 2011 live in Tokyo

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] Tokyo Dome! Put it back on! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]
cek gambar lainnya ^^

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] やっと4時間のLIVEステージが終わりました。
これからも宜しくお願い致します。WE’RE LIVING IN THE SMTOWN.
'SMTOWN LIVE in TOKYO SPECIAL EDITION' is finally over. Thank you for your interest and support! We will be back with better performances. Thank you~![from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 皆さん、コンサート楽しんでいますか~?(*^▽^*)
An enormous fans gathered in Tokyo Dome for 'SMTOWN LIVE in TOKYO SPECIAL EDITION.' [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 素敵なレーザーショー
Such a spectacular laser show! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] やっと4時間のLIVEステージが終わりました。
これからも宜しくお願い致します。WE’RE LIVING IN THE SMTOWN.
'SMTOWN LIVE in TOKYO SPECIAL EDITION' is finally over. Thank you for your interest and support! We will be back with better performances. Thank you~![from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] アーティストの固有色を表す風船が満ちた会場
Tokyo Dome is filled with balloons of various colors. [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 東京ドームの皆さんの熱気が感じられますか?(笑)
You can feel the 50,000 fans' shouts!!! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]
[SMTOWN in TOKYO] SMTOWN LIVE in TOKYO SPECIAL EDITION! 3日間東京ドームで15万人規模に繰り広げられました。
The concert drew audiences totaling 150,000 people for three days (50,000 audiences per day). [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 제시카&크리스탈のステージ!정자매(Jessica & Krystal)’s stage. Tik Tok! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 可愛い태연の笑顔。Cute Taeyeon’s genial smile :) She must be happy to meet fans~! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 皆さん、今日、本当にありがとうございました!! SMTOWN皆も本気で楽しかったですよ~SMTOWN
family is assembled on the stage~! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] SMTOWN LIVE in TOKYO SPECIAL EDITION! 3日間東京ドームで15万人規模に繰り広げられました。
The concert drew audiences totaling 150,000 people for three days (50,000 audiences per day). [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 효연の情熱的な舞台。 Girls’ Generation Hyoyeon’s passionate performance! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 皆、태연と一緒に「V」!(^∇^)v
Taeyeon gives a baby smile :) [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 윤아と一緒にMR. TAXI TAXI TAXI TAXI ♬ YoonA is presenting ‘Mr. Taxi’ dance! Let’s dance with YoonA! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] SMTOWNのオーラTokyo Dome’s aura! It's amazing!!! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 루나, 유리, 효연, 윤아のダンスパフォーマンス。 Dance performances by Luna, Yuri, Hyoyeon and YoonA [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO]アーティストの楽屋案内のネームタグです。
It shows where the artists' waiting rooms are. [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 皆さんと一緒にコンサートを楽しんでいる소녀시대です。
Girls’ Generation is interacting with the audience! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] セクシー&シックなパフォーマンスステージ‘Run Devil Run’ performance by chic Girls’ Generation. [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

SMTown Live in Tokyo Press Conference Picture :)

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] いつも明るい笑顔の愛らしい소녀시대
Bright smiles on cute girls’ faces~ :) [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 会場です!すごいでしょー(≧∇≦)
This is where ‘SMTOWN LIVE in TOKYO SPECIAL EDITION’ will be held. @Tokyo Dome [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 素敵なハーモニーを聞かせた규현&서현Kyuhyun & Seohyun sang in perfect harmony ♬ [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] SMTOWN LIVE in TOKYO SPECIAL EDITION! 3日間東京ドームで15万人規模に繰り広げられました。
The concert drew audiences totaling 150,000 people for three days (50,000 audiences per day). [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] キ.レ.イ.ナ.제시카(┳∩┳)Jessica’s refreshing smile~! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 好きなアーティストの名前を一緒に探してみましょうか。
(笑)The names of all the members are written. The concert will begin soon.[from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 소녀시대はいつも元気~! Girls’ Generation is always lively~! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] シック&カリスマ정자매!Girls’ Generation Jessica’s stylish pose. [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] ステージを楽しんでいる소녀시대Girls' Generation is giving a fantastic performance! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] ステージを楽しんでいる소녀시대
Girls' Generation is giving a fantastic performance! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] SMTOWNの皆が楽しそうですね~(≧∇≦)
Did you enjoy the concert? [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 얼음공주 제시카です。o(^-^)oHello everyone~! This is 얼음공주 Jessica~ : ) [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 強烈な表情の유리Yuri’s passionate performance! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] セクシーな흑진주 유리(≧∇≦)
Girls’ Generation’s black pearl, Yuri.[from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] Fans started entering the concert~!! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 효연の「V」!本当可愛いな~Hyoyeon’s bright smile can make the audience happy!! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]
[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 皆、こっち見て~!チーズ~
"Look at this camera!" [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] ステージに集中している민호
Minho's intense eyes command the stage! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 태민のパワフルな表情
SHINee Taemin's charismatic performance! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] Go! Super Junior! Go! Mr. Simple! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] いたずらボーイ창민
Max says “It's very hot, isn't it?” [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 健康美人루나です♡
f(x) Luna’s powerful dance~! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] BoAとKeyのコラボレーション
The collaboration stage by BoA & Key~! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 東京ドームに満ちているBoAのカリスマ
BoA shines more brightly at Tokyo Dome!!! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 東方神起がパワフルなパフォーマンスで会場を圧倒した!!
Powerful and passionate stage by TVXQ! [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] 遠いところを見つめる예성
Super Junior K.R.Y.’s stage. Yesung is looking at the audience. [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] シック&カリスマ정자매!
f(x) Krystal’s chic pose. [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

[SMTOWN in TOKYO] いたずらボーイ창민
Max says “It's very hot, isn't it?” [from FACEBOOK SMTOWN STAFF]

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